Webinar recording, updates and Christmas cakes

Firstly we want to say thank you for your generous support recently – we now have 18 Girls who have access to data and are able to attend online classes with their peers. This wouldn’t have happened without you and we appreciate your ongoing support for our $5 Friday campaign. 

One of the Girls said:

“Our teachers worked really hard to help us learn this way. I feel so good about it, I was able to keep learning. It meant someone was there to guide and help me learn, even in lockdown”

Secondly, we’d like to share a few exciting updates with you. 

Some of you may have joined us on International Day of the Girl for our webinar where we spoke about what we do to support the education of Girls’ in rural Fiji and the impact this pandemic has had on them and their access to online learning. The event was hosted by the wonderful Cahoot Learning and if you missed it you can watch the recording here

We also hosted our AGM on Wednesday, September 29 and our Annual Report has been added to the website. 

And finally, our Christmas Cakes are now available for pre-order! We are so pleased to be teaming up with the talented student chefs at William Angliis Institute in Sydney and they are baking the cakes for us in their COVID safe kitchen. As they are being professionally prepared and sealed, they will be available from Monday 8th November, so please pre-order so we know how many to bake using the order form on our website

 We are also still selling the beautifully handmade wooden toys which make a wonderful Christmas gift. 

Thank you again for all your ongoing support, we’ll be doing $5 Friday again next week, so keep an eye out for our email and social posts 🙂 

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