The difference your generosity makes

I love a spot of gardening. Although usually it doesn’t extend beyond my little herb and veggie patch, and let’s say for sure that it doesn’t involve getting up at 5am and ploughing the strip of land pictured with a heavy, rusty old plough that looks as though it belongs on a movie set.

Yet one of our girls’ mums is up at 5am every morning doing just that. She works till 9am then is back at it after cooking and cleaning and caring for her 4 children throughout the day.

She ploughs the field, plants and harvests so she can sell veggies at the market and provide a small income for her family. If it rains heavily or the heat is too strong, she may not produce enough, and with her husband unable to work due to illness, this leaves them hungry and without a lot of choices.

The donation of $200 by one our donors recently, meant that we were able to purchase modern, light and much more workable tools for this mum which will hopefully halve her work time and make her more efficient. We are also looking to set her up with a box of bees to provide her with a supplemental income from honey.

Another donor is supporting her lovely daughter to go to school and so they will now be able to move forward as a family.

I think of her working her land when I am snipping off herbs from my little patch of earth, grateful that my thumb that is not very green at all, isn’t the thing that I have to support my family from.

The other pic, of the smiling man hugging our wonderful co-ordinator Urmila? That’s the dad of the family, so happy that we have been able to step in where he can’t. Your generosity really does make a difference….

Thank you,

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