Thank you to our supporters!

This year we received extra support from a few new companies, including the wonderful people at William Angliss Institute in Sydney.

We worked with William Angliss Institute last year, however this year they went to the next level. A wonderful team of student chefs worked tirelessly to bake close to 200 Christmas cakes for our annual fundraiser, and the team rallied together to support our organisation.

The team were led by Matt Steel and supported by Josh Michel and Darren Lees. They all volunteered their time to bake as many Christmas cakes as they could over a couple of days.

William Angliss Institute is the specialist training provider for foods, tourism, hospitality, events and hotel management. They deliver a range of courses within Australia and internationally, including in Singapore, Thailand, China, and Sri Lanka. They pride themselves on their passionate and dedicated people, and we definitely had this experience while working with them.

On the first day Matt greeted us with an infectious energy and strong support for our cause, his smile and enthusiasm was contagious and the students quickly followed suit as they prepared for the day of baking. Josh provided support to the team and helped set everything up, and Darren used his master-chef skills to perfect our ingredients, improve the quantities we were originally working with and to tweak the process to ensure it was more efficient. He even stayed back late on a Friday afternoon to finish off the remainder of the cakes and was already planning what he will do differently next year. He has been an absolute star throughout the whole process.

The sale of these Christmas cakes will support Girls starting school in 2022. The support we received from William Angliss Institute has helped streamline our own processes while also ensuring all our cakes are Covid safe and prepared in a professional kitchen environment.

Most of the ingredients for the cakes were also donated this year. Many of the dry ingredients and eggs came from Ramsgate Cakery, while Supabarn generously supported us with a $100 gift voucher and IGA Lilyfield provided the bread trays to help transport all the cakes.

We are constantly surprised and delighted by people’s kindness – and this year was no exception.

Thank you to all our partners for your ongoing support!

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