Sparkles and e-books and cakes, oh my!


It’s December. We’re watching our wallets and trying to buy the perfect gifts. Some of us twitch at the thought of land fill and more plastic stuff that no one needs. It’s easy to become quite dazed at the thought of it all!

If gift giving has this effect on you, we can help. We have gifts that change lives.

Sparkles and e-books and cakes in fact, that are both beautiful and support the education of girls in the Pacific AND income generating projects for their families. They also won’t break the bank.

Behind The Smiles, my new e-book comes out THIS WEEK! I’m excited to share some short stories with you and all the profit goes back into our projects.

Our cakes have been a hit this year again and there’s still time to order yours. We are delivering next week.

Our pretty, sparkly bags are made using recycled saris by mums in Fiji and we have about 20 left. So visit our SHOP tab on the website and give gifts that change lives!

Love you to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram,

Warmly,cakes 1

Jane for team ‘a Girl & her world’

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