Simple. Life changing.

This week has been lots of fun with calls back and forth to Fiji organizing our girls’ uniforms for the 2012 school year.

Our volunteers have been working hard to get the best local prices on uniform fabric and also for the tailors who will sew them. 
Not having a uniform pretty much guarantees you won’t go to school in rural Fiji and only having one uniform means you will go sporadically. When families don’t have white goods and wash and dry by hand, getting a uniform dry before the next day can be a challenge, especially in the rainy season when torrential rain washes everything away!

Shoes wear out quickly too as girls often walk long distances to and from school and not being great quality, often don’t last after a few run ins with muddy roads.
So what a privilege for us to be able to provide girls with solutions to these barriers and help them take another step towards starting and staying in high school.

They understand the power of education and don’t take these gifts for granted. I can’t wait to see the pics!

Simple. Life changing. Love it!

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