Running for the girls!

I am not a big fan of running. That’s probably an understatement, I avoid it at all costs! I am happy to walk anywhere all day, but let’s just say my running fitness is not that great.

However, each year I drag myself out onto the pavement and try my best to fein fitness to raise money for the lovely girls we support.

Last year their stories and courage were my inspiration and this year I will imagine their laughter and their determination to succeed despite their circumstances and I will keep going.

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If you’d like to join our team this is what you need to do.

Step 1 – Click here and then click Enter to register

Step 2 – When you’ve done that, create your own, Individual fundraising page through the bit that says ‘Start fundraising’

Step 3 – Then, search for ‘a Girl & her world’ and then click on the the bit that says ‘Join the team’

Step 4 – There will be an option for you to send out an email and share your page and your goal on social media which we’d love you to do

Step 5 – Start training and we’ll see you there!


Please get in touch and let us know your details so we can send you a free cap and organise where to meet up.

Too much fun! If you hate running too and would just like to donate towards our fundraising goals, then Step 1 will be enough for you to find us and give through GoFundraise. Thank you!


Jane for team ‘a Girl & her world’


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