Our first two Graduates!

We are super excited for this smiley girl, Joytika and another, Reena, our first two high school graduates!

They both got great results in their final exams just released last week, and have been awarded scholarships to the University of the South Pacific in Suva. This may sound pretty normal but we can’t tell you how monumental it is!

They are the first women in their families to finish school AND the first in their families to go to Uni. THIS is how poverty cycles are broken and it’s because of YOUR generosity….Thank you.

The girls’ families are busy working out the details of where they will live and how they will support themselves in a city that is unfamiliar and will no doubt prove to be quite overwhelming for them having grown up in a rural area. We will support them however we can to get set up and can’t wait to sit back and watch them thrive.

Well done girls we are SO proud of you!

We’d love you to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram,


Jane for team ‘a Girl & her world’


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