Your donations will help get Girls back to school and university, we partner with families to protect the rights and wellbeing of Girls and
your support is critical to ensuring Girls in rural communities have access to education and the opportunity to attend school.
About once a month we’ll ask you to give $5. It doesn’t sound like much, but when a community of people decide to for go a coffee or a smoothie every so often, it translates to education for Girls.
Sign up to our newsletter (we don’t email very often) and we’ll send you a prompt to give.
Partner with us as we partner with them.
Read about $5 Fridays in our blog.
Each year a Girl & her world produce these delicious Nigella inspired chocolate Christmas cakes.
Our Christmas Cakes are $30 each, measuring at 11cm in diameter and make for a gorgeous gift.
Kindly baked in the commercial kitchens of William Angliss Institute Sydney.
Deliveries within the Sydney north shore and CBD are possible.
Shipping Australia-wide, please add $10.
We support Girls to get back to school and stay there. We assess their family’s situation, connect them with local networks, then help to overcome barriers like:
• Purchasing uniforms and stationery from local suppliers
• Creating travel passes with local bus companies
• Providing sanitary pads and period undies and supporting menstrual hygiene needs.
Each year, Girls move away from RakiRaki to study in another part of Fiji at University or TAFE. Set up costs can stop them from going, including:
• Bond for a place to live.
• House set up costs including cookware and linen.
• Text books and stationery.
• We connect Girls and young women with local scholarships and vocational counsellors to help them decide what’s best for them, including study and employment opportunities.
We encourage them to go…but then return home to strengthen their communities.
We run workshops for Girls and mums on how to stay safe and prevent sexual exploitation and abuse. Often these workshops are facilitated free of charge by local trainers, however costs include:
Venue hire, transport for participants, training and materials relevant to the course.
The families of the Girls we support want to provide for their daughter’s education themselves. They don’t want charity or welfare. We provide seed capital for businesses such as:
• Gardening and crops.
• Poultry and other livestock projects.
• Beehives and honey harvesting.
• Sewing and tailoring.
We help families with training on bookkeeping, small business planning and other business skills to give them the best chance of using their seed capital effectively and set up their projects with confidence. The cost of the workshops typically cover the training itself, as well transport for participants.
ABN 26 530 810 233