Christmas cakes and more

After a challenging year around the world, this Christmas you have the chance to give girls an important gift – the gift of education.

We have a few ways you can do this: – our regular Christmas cakes which are now available on our website; beautiful handmade toys created by a talented community volunteer; gift cards and…something new.  

In 2021 we are launching a Girl & her ‘work’ – once Girls finish school there are real barriers that prevent them from entering and staying in the tertiary system, or, starting their own businesses. We want to help them with mentors, prohibitive costs of things like travel and accommodation in urban study locations and fees when they are there on partial scholarships. We have seen Girls drop out and take years off to try and make it work and alongside their families, we want to help them fly, especially in this COVID19 environment where unemployment is high and Fiji Government subsidies for education are not as generous.

Check out our Crowdfunding link here, we’d love you to help us reach $5,000

As always, we appreciate your support!

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