Check this out while we’re away!


We are in Fiji as you read this, sweating up a storm, meeting new girls and taking lots of pics, so while we’re away we’d love you to have a look at our Christmas Catalogue.

We have already had lots of orders for our Nigella Inspired Christmas Cakes (I may have put on several kilos while baking last year!) and our friends at the German International School have taken a big pile of gorgeous bags made by one of our mums in Fiji using recycled saris, for their school fair tomorrow.

There’s e-cards for school ribbons and stationery sets, veggie growing kits and honey bee boxes and while you’re there grab one of our branded caps and take us running with you!

There’s also only a few weeks left to enter our Giveaway. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to go in the draw for a beautiful Pure Fiji hamper! OR if you already have, let us know that you’ve asked a friend to and you can still be in the running!


Jane and team ‘a Girl & her world’

Caption: During a life changing trip to Fiji in June, Franziska from the German International School in Sydney inspects some new veggies grown by a family we support there. 


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