An Extraordinary Thing

It’s only a few days till Christmas and I am looking forward to some time off with family and friends and hopefully some Sydney sunshine, we’ve not seen much of that at all this summer so far!

I am reminded that the essence of Christmas has so much less to do with the craziness I spoke of last week and so much more to do with hope. Hope that things can change and that there is much to look forward to.

The Christmas story is such a marvel to me. I read a quote that said “you find him (Jesus) in the stables and stalls of life, where things are messy and new life is waiting to be born”. I love the thought that a scared, young, unmarried Jewish girl could through her story bring hope to people living under an oppressive government and social structure of the day. Makes me think that in my life and in the lives of the precious girls we are supporting, that hope is real and even in the messiness and unlikeliness of our ordinary lives, an extraordinary thing can happen and change it all. A great gift.

It really is more blessed to give than receive. Giving frees us from the trap that stuff and money can make us happy and, you may not know that giving actually has health benefits…physical and emotional. More on that in the new year.

For now enjoy some rest and some yummy food whatever you are doing this Christmas and thank you so much for your support so far, it is greatly valued.

Looking forward to an amazing 2012 with lots of great reports to share!

Much love,

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