Amen to that Maya.

It’s easy to create definitions of success that are warped or unrealistic and breed inadequacy as a result. As the saying goes, we spend our lives in jobs we hate, making money to buy things we don’t need to impress people we don’t like! Then we call that success.

I love Maya Angelou’s wisdom here. Like yourself, learn to love what you do and set your own benchmarks for success.

Our girls are breathtaking in their ability to do this. I love watching them set goals and dream dreams and put one foot in front of the other to make their way into a different future.

Their measures may be different to ours, and it is my hope that western comparisons don’t creep in and cloud their vision, but their success is beautiful to watch as it takes them from a life of poverty to a life of dignity. More than stuff and money, it is the ability to be in control of their lives and choose the direction they will take. Poverty robs people of this right.

What is your definition of success?

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