I thought you may like to be made aware that it is 12 weeks before Christmas. 88 days to be precise. This came as something of a shock to me today when I noticed that number displayed innocuously in a little pine tree on the board at my local café. I am not quite ready for the frenetic yuletide state we find ourselves in and am still processing all that needs to be accomplished before the end of the year! Last weekend when we pulled together our Christmas Gifts catalogue I think I was still in May!

It also occurred to me that we turn 1 next month! We are so proud of all that has been accomplished around dining tables, over the phone, and across the ocean in 12 months. Look out for some great stories and our Christmas Gifts catalogue in our next newsletter coming up on October 11th, which will coincide with the International Day of the Girl.

Day of the Girl will be highlighting issues that face girls around the world such as Illiteracy – by 2015, females will make up 64% of the world’s (adult) population who cannot read. Also school dropout. Only 30% of girls are enrolled in school worldwide.

I love being part of the answer to these issues…connect with us on Facebook, Twitter or through email,

We’d love you to join the journey,


Jane and the a Girl & her world team

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