$5 Friday!

It occurred to me this morning that if you don’t follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, or if you’re not signed up to our newsletter (bottom left hand corner of the page), then $5 Friday would have passed you by these last few months!

Every month we hold a 24 hour give-a-thon if you like, that encourages people to just give $5 in a day. Forgo the chai latte one afternoon or skip a juice with lunch and see how your fiver can make a difference!

We have helped a mum with medical expenses so she can get back to work, last month we raised enough to cover bus passes for girls who live in rural areas where travel is a barrier to education and then yesterday our supporters gave money to help a family become self sufficient with a chicken coup.

It makes a difference. So if $5 Friday has passed you by, now you know! If you don’t follow us on social media, or through our newsletter, today’s your day!

Get connected to the stories and find out how you can be involved.


Jane for team ‘a Girl & her world’

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