28 and counting!

This week after the dust had settled a little and school resumed in rural Fiji, we realised that after less than 18 months of operation, we are supporting 28 girls!!

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28 lives, families and stories. 28 very different futures. Some of these 28 have suffered grief and tragedy, certainly all have known hunger and lack. Abuse, violence and words that crush are all too common. Yet they also know resilience and strength, gratitude and the responsibility to take the opportunities they are given and fly! They have big dreams. Every last one of them knows that education is their ticket to a life that can break the poverty cycle.




28 girls and 10 income generating projects for their families in just over a year thanks to your support.

We think that’s pretty amazing.

Stay connected to their stories and all that is happening through Facebook, Twitter and our weekly blog,


Jane for team ‘a Girl & her world’




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